
Story of KRA and KPI - 19

Continue Development and KPI

Expanding on the concept of progressively improving a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) using the example of % Wash Re-wash

KPI Name: % Wash Re-wash
Description: Ensure the average factory re-wash rate remains around 8%.
Target: 8%
Progressive Improvement Process:

1. Initial Assessment (Q1): Initial assessment reveals that the achievement of the % Wash Re-wash KPI is 10%, exceeding the target of 8%. This indicates a need for improvement in reducing re-washing instances.

2. Adjusting Targets (Q2): Rather than simply reprimanding the team, the target for Q2 is set at 10%, aligning with the achieved performance in Q1. This acknowledges the current performance level while providing a realistic goal for improvement.

3. Target Fulfillment (Q2): Achievement remains at 10% in Q2, meeting the adjusted target. This signals the need to focus on strategies to bring the re-wash rate down to the desired level of 8%.

4. Setting Aggressive Targets (Q3): With a clearer understanding of the challenges and opportunities for improvement, the target for Q3 is set ambitiously at 8%. This reflects the organization's commitment to continuous improvement and encourages proactive measures to optimize processes.

5. Achieving Target (Q3): The re-wash rate reaches the target of 8% in Q3, indicating successful efforts in process optimization and improvement. This achievement boosts employee morale and confidence in their abilities.

6. Setting Stretch Targets (Q4): Building on the momentum of success, the target for Q4 is set even lower at 7.5%. This challenges the team to strive for further efficiencies and demonstrates the organization's dedication to excellence.

7. Continuous Improvement Cycle: Evaluation in Q4 confirms that the target of 7.5% has been met, showcasing the effectiveness of the progressive improvement approach. Moving forward into the next session, the target for Q1 is set at 7%, signaling a commitment to ongoing refinement and advancement.

Conclusion: By implementing a systematic approach to KPI management and progressively improving performance in specific areas such as % Wash Re-wash, organizations can enhance efficiency, optimize processes, and maintain a competitive edge in the market. Continuous evaluation, adjustment of targets, and a culture of continuous improvement are key to achieving sustained success in performance management.

Continuing the journey together ...............

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