
Story of KRA and KPI - 02

Let's delve into the narrative of Mr. Karim in our office. Mr. Karim has set himself the ambitious goal of gaining 5 kg in weight. To accomplish this, he has identified a crucial factor: consuming apples regularly. While many of us also enjoy apples, Mr. Karim has established a specific target: to consume one apple every day. This transforms the act of eating apples from a routine habit into a Key Performance Indicator (KPI). The KPI is defined by the challenge of consistently meeting this daily apple consumption target.

For Mr. Karim, and indeed for anyone in a similar situation, achieving the daily apple consumption target becomes a significant milestone in reaching the overarching goal of weight gain. Therefore, it becomes Mr. Karim's KPI to ensure he consumes an apple daily. By consistently meeting this KPI, Mr. Karim moves closer to his main objective.

This story underscores the importance of translating challenges into actionable KPIs. By proactively identifying and addressing these challenges, individuals like Mr. Karim, as well as organizations as a whole, can effectively work towards achieving their goals.

Introducing our Automated KPI based Performance Management System Software Solution marks a pivotal step in facilitating this process. Stay tuned as we further explore Mr. Karim's journey and the impact of KRA and KPI implementation in our organization.

To be continue ...............

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